The DNA provides members with a variety of resources to help them stay informed and active in our community. Members can find helpful links and information regarding important contacts, ward information, zoning information, historic district information, the tourism management plan, and how to make a complaint to the city. With these resources, members can stay up to date on important information and stay involved.
Wards and Ward Captains
Savannah was the first planned city in America with a central public square for each ward. General James Oglethorpe laid out 24 wards in 1733. Today 22 of these are still exist and are used to help organize the activities of the Downtown Neighborhood Association.
Volunteer DNA Ward Captains serve as a conduit for relaying public safety and other information back to the community. They also provide opportunities for residents to socialize and connect with their neighbors. The group is overseen and coordinated by the Chair of the Ward Captains, Kacy Cosentini-Plotycia.
The links below provide the locations and names of the ward captains. If you need additional information and want to reach your ward captain, contact the Chair of the Ward Captains Kacy Cosentini-Plotycia at DNAWarden@gmail.com.

Zoning and Ordinances
The Savannah Code of Ordinances is available online. This link to the City Code makes the active laws of the City of Savannah readily accessible to all citizens and is searchable by Code section, title, or keyword. For quick reference, the Short-term Rental Ordinance can be found here.
There are several ways to bring concerns to the attention of the City of Savannah and/or the DNA:
The online 311 form allows you to report a concern or request a service from the city online. You can also reach the city by calling 3-1-1.
If you observe a tour service breaking a city ordinance, a complaint can be submitted directly to the City of Savannah by filling out this electronic Tour Service Complaint Form.
Historic District Information
The National Park Service (NPS) recently completed a condition assessment of the Savannah National Historic Landmark (NHL) District. Following a comprehensive study, site visits, public meetings, and a public comment period, the NPS has determined that the overall condition of the district falls into the “threatened” condition category. The designation status of the district as a national historic landmark was not changed by this assessment.
The National Park Service monitors the condition of National Historic Landmarks to ensure that they continue to possess the historic qualities for which they were designated. In the case of the Savannah NHL District, those qualities include the Savannah Town Plan (or Oglethorpe Plan) and the collection of architecturally significant buildings built upon the plan.

Tourism Management Plan
In late 2016, the City engaged The EXPERIENCE Institute® (TEI) to develop a tourism management plan (TMP) with the goal of balancing resident needs with industry interests.
The TMP was designed to be a comprehensive, living document serving as a strategic roadmap to guide city, residential, preservation, and tourism industry efforts for the next three to five years in managing tourism-related dynamics, challenges, and opportunities.
The Mayor and Council approved the TMP in February 2018.

Tourism Concerns?
If you observe a tour service breaking a City ordinance, a complaint can be submitted directly to the City of Savannah by filling out this electronic Tour Service Complaint Form.
Downtown Neighborhood Association members also may submit any concerns regarding tourism via Tourism Concern Form. This form is used by the DNA to present issues to city officials as well as monitor and track concerns submitted directly to the City.