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Public Safety Update

[SEPT 30, 2023 - SAVANNAH] The Downtown Neighborhood Association Board of Directors wanted to provide this public safety update to you from the Public Safety Chair.

Recently there have been a few break-ins downtown that are alarming and similar (not the same perpetrator). In both cases, the police have been called.

A few weeks ago, a woman who had been seen loitering around the area gained entry into an apartment on Pulaski Square (117 W Charlton) through an unlocked door. In a later incident, she was found to be stashing her belongings in the crawl space of that building. I was told by the property manager of the building that the police had been involved. I am working with Capt. Nowinsky and the property manager of the building to confirm that report to know if the woman was taken into custody or not.

In a second chilling and similar incident yesterday, a man broke into a home in the Troup Square area. When the homeowner arrived, he found the man inside the home making himself a sandwich in the kitchen. The property owner managed to keep the confrontation peaceful, and police were called. They did arrest the individual; I have confirmed this with Capt. Nowinsky today. Apparently, the man did have drugs on him, he had recently been released from jail. Luckily, he was not hostile or violent in this incident.

Am sending this out because in both cases the individuals gained entry through unlocked doors/ gates. I hope that by sharing this it will remind folks to keep their doors locked!! I have expressed our concerns to Capt. Nowinsky, as this seems to be a pattern with homeless, vagrant people and this needs to be addressed.

Sabrina Nagel Chair of Public Safety Downtown Neighborhood Association

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