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President's Message - May 20, 2024

May 20, 2024    

From the President:


I would like to thank all of you who joined us at our annual picnic last week.  I have received many comments about how much everyone enjoyed the event and venue. It was a great way to honor this year's grantees. Watch for a link to photos in an upcoming newsletter.

Next Monthly Meeting

Just a reminder that our next monthly membership meeting is not until September 15.  Our speaker is scheduled to be Chief of Police Lennie Gunther.


Lastly, if you didn't vote early, please remember to vote tomorrow, May 21.  This is both a primary (partisan positions) and a general (non-partisan) election.  The winners of the non-partisan positions, in this case judges and school board members, will be the winners for the election and will not be on the November general election ballot.

David McDonald


Downtown Neighborhood Association Savannah, GA Inc.

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