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President's Message - January 22, 2024

From the President:

The Board would like to thank all of you who attended the monthly meeting last week.  I found the discussion informative.  I for one was surprised to learn that the Tax Commissioner has nothing to do with property assessments.  As the Commissioner eloquently explained, her office collects and disburses funds.  I did find the Tax Commissioner to be an excellent speaker.  The Board will consider having the Chairman of the Board of Assessors attend one of our future meetings.  Sorry for my confusion on believing the Tax Commissioner did both assessing and collecting tax dollars.  

Our next membership meeting is scheduled for February 20 at the Coastal Georgia Center.  Our presenters for this meeting will be the Chatham County Homeless Authority and the Savannah Police Behavioral Unit to talk about homelessness in our community.  As we get closer to the meeting date, we will encourage everyone to register their attendance.  It's important that we have an accurate count of attendees so that we can ensure we have sufficient food and drink for the social period. This month we had 65 registrants but over 100 attended the meeting.  While we love the great turnout, sadly not everyone was able to enjoy the social because we ran out of food and some drinks.  So please register for future meetings.

The Board hopes that everyone survived the brutal cold weekend and can enjoy the warmer temperatures this week.

David McDonald


Downtown Neighborhood Association Savannah, GA Inc

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