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Members’ Presentation: Tourism Concerns

From the President:

I'd like to thank each of you who attended the monthly meeting last week which focused on quality-of-life issues downtown, primarily the huge increase in tours. The research conducted by the residents of Washington and Warren Squares was amazing and gave us a launch pad for future action. For those of you who were unable to attend the March 21 meeting, you can view the presentation and video on the DNA Facebook page as well as at the three links below:

As a follow-up to this meeting, the Board is scheduling a meeting with the City Manager to discuss ways to mitigate the problems identified in the presentation and other quality of life topics discussed at the meeting. We will continue to provide updates to you as we work the issues with the city.

Recently, the Board decided to "Adopt a Street" as part of the Keep Savannah Beautiful initiative. The area we adopted is E. Broad St from Bay to Gwinnett St. On Sunday, March 26, members of the Board, (Paul Cobet, Denise Flojo and myself) conducted the first trash pick-up as part of this quarterly program. In the near future, a sign will be installed identifying the DNA as the cleanup sponsor. If you'd like to help, we'll keep you posted on the dates. See photos below.

Additionally, as part of the Keep Savannah Beautiful initiative, the semiannual cleanup day is scheduled for Saturday, April 15. Ward Captains will be reaching out before then to solicit volunteers in their respective areas.

One final important reminder, this Thursday, March 30, is the official start of the 2023 baseball season. What a glorious day.

David McDonald


Downtown Neighborhood Association Savannah, GA Inc.

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