We cordially invite you to join or renew your membership
The Savannah Downtown Neighborhood Association offers annual memberships for individuals and families. Joining the DNA is a great way to be a part of your community and stay connected with your neighbors.
All memberships include:
One year of access, beginning on January 1st with no automatically recurring payments
Invitations to DNA events and meetings
Email newsletter correspondence and public safety updates

Membership Plans
(1 Membership)
(1 Membership)
(Up to 5 members)
All Memberships Include:
1 year, on January 1st, no automatically recurring payments
Invitations to DNA events and meetings
Email newsletter correspondence and public safety updates
Membership Benefits
Advocating for Community Concerns
Savannah’s government and community leaders respect DNA’s views on policy issues. We advocate for actions to preserve the Historic District, improve city planning and zoning, address tourism concerns, champion public safety, calm traffic, regulate large scale development, protect the environment, reduce noise, address parking concerns and much more. Members formulate DNA positions in policy committees and regularly appear before the City Council, the Historic Review Board, the Metropolitan Planning Commission, and other authorities.
Enhancing Quality of Life
DNA works hard to enhance and maintain quality of life in the downtown neighborhood by working closely with city and tourism leaders on matters impacting residents. With ongoing increases in tourism, filming, road races and visitors to our city, residential quality of life is a critical concern.
Sponsoring Social/Special Events
Communicating Pubic Safety Issues
DNA is the recognized neighborhood liaison with the Savannah Police Department (SPD) and works closely with our precinct Neighborhood Resource Officer. SPD’s Chief of Police and officers attend DNA meetings to share news and hear our concerns.
DNA always hosts a pre-meeting social to encourage interaction with neighbors and opportunities to meet new friends. Our annual mid-May picnic is a popular event bringing neighbors together for an evening of socializing with food and drink. In addition, we participate in or sponsor ward gatherings, family-friendly events, National Night Out, the Holiday Tour of Homes and more!
Fundraising through Holiday Tour
Keeping Members Informed
DNA communicates regularly with members through weekly emails, our Facebook page (Facebook.com/SavannahDNA), the Nextdoor app and our website, SavannahDNA.org
This nationally recognized event is DNA’s primary fundraising activity. DNA members open their festively decorated homes and inns to offer patrons a glimpse of downtown living during the holiday season. Funds raised by the tour are invested in the community in the form of grants.