Meet The Board
David McDonald
President, Email
Paul Cobet
Vice President
Denise Flojo
Secretary, Email
Tim Nichols
Treasurer, Email
Kacy Cosentini-Plotycia
Ward Captains Chair, Email
Kelly Holmes
Events Chair
Joyce McDonald
Holiday Tour of Homes Chair, Email
Erika Snayd
Membership Chair, Email
Amy Brock
Communication Chair, Email
Marysue McCarthy
Tourism/Quality of Life Chair
Steve Edwards
Historic District Board of Review/Metropolitan Planning Commission Liaison
Debbie Dyke
Government Chair
Sabrina Nagel
Public Safety Chair
Debra Caldwell
Immediate Past President
Sherry McBeath
Administrator, Email
To reach those board members who do not have emails listed
Board Bios can be viewed by clicking here.
Election Process
With the changes to the bylaws in 2022, half of the Board positions are up for election each year. The positions will be for a two-year term beginning on June 1.
Open Positions
Events Chair
Holiday Tour of Homes Chair
Government Chair
Ward Captains Chair
Public Safety Chair
Vice President
Communications Chair
Historic District Board of Review/Metropolitan Planning Commission Liaison
Membership Chair
Tourism/Quality of Life Chair